Astrology Notes

Category: Astrology Notes

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    Effects of the Moon in Various Houses of the Ascendant Chart

    1        Effects of the Moon in the 1st House Moon in the 1st house gives the person a very beautiful appearance unless debilitated or afflicted by any malefic planet conjunction or aspect. The person would be emotional by nature and will also have a youthful appearance; they will look younger than their age and also…

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    When a planet comes too close to the Sun, it gets combusted and loses some of its strength. I have mentioned the degree placements for each planet below. *Note that Mars will remain combusted up to 17 degrees of the Sun, meaning that Mars 17 degrees 00 arc minutes 00 arc seconds will remain combusted.…

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    Degrees in Vedic Astrology

    In Vedic astrology, there is a total of 360 degrees. Given that there are 12 zodiac signs, each zodiac sign occupies 30 degrees (360 divided by 12 is 30). Within each degree, there are 60 arc minutes, and within each arc minute, there are 60 arc seconds. Whenever writing the placement of planets in Vedic…

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    Marana Karaka Sthanas

    Every planet has a house where it will perform the most poorly; this is known as the Marana Karaka Sthana of the planet. This is a house where the planet figuratively ‘dies’ and is rendered almost helpless or useless to guide the person or add benefit to their life. If any planet is placed in…

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    Karakas (Significators)

    As previously mentioned, there are 12 houses in our ascendant chart. So, each house has a significator known as a Karaka. A Karaka is basically the designated officer for handling a certain department. I have listed the Karakas or Significators of each house below. *Note that Rahu and Ketu do not have any traditional houses…

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    Exaltation and Debilitation

    When a planet is at its highest level of power, it is said to be exalted. When it is at its lowest, it is said to be debilitated. Different planets exalt and debilitate at different zodiac signs. Every planet has a peak exaltation and a peak debilitation degree. The closer a planet is to its…

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    Direct and Retrograde Motion

    Except the Sun and the Moon, all the planets in Vedic astrology can be retrograde. Planets orbit the Sun, so keeping the Earth as a reference point, whenever the planets are coming closer to the Earth in distance as part of their revolutionary orbit, they are said to be in Direct motion. However, when they…

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    Strength of Aspects

    When it comes to 7th aspect of planets, they copy around 33% of their power to the house they aspect. However, when it comes to the special aspects of planets, the rules have been explained below. Simply put, the closer the aspect is to the placement of the planet, the stronger it is.

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    Aspects (Drishti) in Vedic Astrology

    In Vedic astrology, every planet casts its gaze on other houses relative to where it is placed in the chart. This concept is referred to as aspects or Drishti in Hindi. Normally, whenever a planet aspects another house, it transfers or copies a portion of its power to the other house, too. As such, the…

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    Dashas in Vedic Astrology

    From the time we are born till the time of our death, we are constantly under the impacts or effects of multiple planets. The duration of those impacts is referred to as Dasha periods or Dashas. In Vedic astrology, there are five kinds of Dashas, including – To avoid going down the rabbit hole of…