In Vedic astrology, every planet casts its gaze on other houses relative to where it is placed in the chart. This concept is referred to as aspects or Drishti in Hindi. Normally, whenever a planet aspects another house, it transfers or copies a portion of its power to the other house, too. As such, the aspects shall have impacts as well.
Drishti can be of two types, normal and special. Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mercury have only normal Drishti, which means they look at the 7th house from their placement. Then we have special Drishti which is explained below:
- Jupiter – aspects the 5th, 7th, and 9th house from His placement
- Mars – aspects the 4th, 7th, and 8th house from His placement
- Saturn – aspects the 3rd, 7th, and 10th house from His placement
- Rahu & Ketu – aspect the 5th, 7th, and 9th house from their placements
*Some astrologers say Ketu does not have a Drishti because He technically doesn’t have a head. However, practical experience says otherwise. To be safe, we will consider Ketu’s aspects as well for a more complete analysis of our charts.
Note that the houses are counted in the counter-clockwise manner for all planets. For example, for a Virgo ascendant, if Saturn is placed in the 2nd house (Libra), then His 3rd aspect will come upon the 4th house (Sagittarius), 7th aspect on the 8th house (Aries), and 10th aspect on the 11th house (Cancer) of the chart.
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