Dashas in Vedic Astrology

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From the time we are born till the time of our death, we are constantly under the impacts or effects of multiple planets. The duration of those impacts is referred to as Dasha periods or Dashas. In Vedic astrology, there are five kinds of Dashas, including –

  • Mahadasha – lasts a few years to almost 2 decades
  • Antardasha – lasts a few months to couple of years
  • Pratyantardasha – lasts a few weeks to a few months
  • Sookshmadasha – lasts a few days to a few weeks
  • Pranadasha – lasts a few minutes to several hours

To avoid going down the rabbit hole of Dasha periods, we shall only analyse Mahadasha, Antardasha, and Pratyantardasha. If you need any analysis beyond that, you know I’m there.

Note that whenever you undergo a Mahadasha of a functionally benefic planet or your ascendant lord, the period will be good for you. However, when the Mahadasha is of a functionally malefic planet, it will be a difficult phase for you.

In real life, you would be having a combination of both good and bad times everyday due to a combination of the effects of both functionally benefic and malefic planets colliding against each other to make up every second of your life.

Now, of course, there is Rahu and Ketu; they do not have anything called ‘benefic’ or ‘malefic’ placements; Rahu will give good results in signs owned by Mercury (Virgo and Gemini) and Venus (Libra and Taurus) while Ketu will give good results in signs owned by Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) and Mars (Scorpio only). In all other signs, their effects will depend on the house placement and aspects or conjunctions.

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