Each of the 9 planets in Vedic astrology represent something or some characteristics; given below are some qualities associated with each of the Navagraha.
The Sun
The Sun is referred to as the king of the Navagraha. He represents authority, governance, leadership, government, relations with the government, ego or self-confidence, self-image, the father of the native, etc. The Sun is a royal planet and only rules one sign, Leo. He’s exalted in Aries (ruled by Mars) and debilitated in Libra (owned by Venus).
The Moon
The Moon is referred to as the queen of the Navagraha; like the Sun, She is a royal planet as well and represents love, emotions, appearance, stability, feelings, relations, income, cash flow, manifestations, subconsciousness, dreams to some extent, etc. The Moon rules the zodiac sign of Cancer; She is exalted in Taurus (owned by Venus) and debilitated in Scorpio (ruled by Mars).
Mercury is referred to as the prince of the Navagraha; He is known for His intellect, business acumen, trade and commerce expertise, financial capabilities, job and business, professional and career matters, communication skills, negotiation capability, affinity towards education, etc. Mercury owns two zodiac signs, including Virgo and Gemini; interestingly, Mercury is the only planet to be exalted in His own sign of Virgo. Mercury debilitates in Pisces (owned by Jupiter).
Jupiter is one of the two ministers of the Navagraha; He is referred to as the preceptor of the Devas or Gods in Hinduism. Jupiter rules good fortune, abundance, prosperity, good luck, ceremonies, wisdom, religious knowledge, food and drink, children, marriages, destiny, etc. In terms of effects, Jupiter is one of the strongest planets in the Navagraha and it is said that a well-placed Jupiter can help protect the person from many negatives in life. Jupiter owns two zodiac signs, including Sagittarius and Pisces, but He exalts in Cancer (owned by the Moon) and debilitates in Capricorn (owned by Mars).
Mars is the supreme commander of the planets; He is the planet of determination, anger, wrath, violence, war, real estate, construction, metals, blood, physical strength, constitution, etc. Mars helps contribute to the overall physical fitness of a person; for guys, it also governs their masculinity. Mars, being a warrior, feels most comfortable in enemy signs, which is why it exalts in Capricorn (owned by Saturn) and debilitates in Cancer (owned by the Moon). Mars owns two zodiac signs, including Aries and Scorpio.
Saturn is the judge of the Navagraha. His task is to dispense justice and retribution to everyone. In terms of impacts on life, Saturn is arguably the most powerful and impactful planet because His periods or Dasha(s) usually bring about tremendous suffering to the person or at the very least, delayed fruits of labor. Saturn is associated with pain, grief, legal battles, delays, sorrows, heartbreaks, big businesses, industries, stability, punishment, etc. Saturn owns two signs, including Capricorn and Aquarius; He exalts in Libra (owned by Venus) and debilitates in Aries (owned by Mars).
Venus is the second minister of the Navagraha; like Jupiter, He commands an advisory role among the planets. However, Jupiter is the preceptor or Guru of the Devas, and Venus is the preceptor of Asuras. Venus represents everything that makes life worth living – luxuries, pleasures, sexual happiness, love, romance, expensive gifts, high-end lifestyle, glamour, popularity, beauty, etc. In guys, he also represents the potency of sperms. Venus owns two zodiac signs including Taurus and Libra; He exalts in Pisces (owned by Jupiter) and debilitates in Virgo (owned by Mercury).
Rahu (North Node of the Moon)
Rahu is the planet of obsession and materialism; it is not a planet physically, but rather a mathematical point on the Moon. However, Rahu’s effects on one’s life are very real. Rahu represents all kinds of sinful deeds, such as drinking, smoking, illicit sexual behaviors, non-veg food, intoxicants, cheating, fraud, gambling, stock market gains, career growth, treachery, short-term gratification, etc. Rahu is not a bad planet as such, but its temptations are hard to control for any human being. Rahu owns the zodiac sign of Aquarius and is considered exalted in Gemini and debilitated in Sagittarius.
Ketu (South Node of the Moon)
Ketu is the planet of detachment and spirituality; being the polar opposite of Rahu, Ketu is all about minimalism and detachment from material things. His job is to guide souls out of the Matrix of this world by helping (or forcing) them to embrace spirituality. This can either happen the easy way – where He gives so much material gains that the person gets fed up, or the hard way, where He takes away so much that the person has no choice but to give up expecting material happiness whatsoever. Ketu represents spirituality, isolation, detachment, hidden diseases, suppressed thoughts and desires, occult and hidden magical arts, etc. Ketu owns Scorpio and is considered exalted in Sagittarius and debilitated in Gemini.
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